The Student Representative Council of the Faculty of Engineering, UNNES Semarang, visited the Berlian Building of the Central Java DPRD

Sukirman conveyed the Student Representative Council in the Form of Political Education. Deputy Chairman of the DPRD Sukirman met with the Student Representative Council (DPM) of the Faculty of Engineering, State University of Semarang (Unnes). Quoted from the official website

Dozens of students who are members of the Student Representative Council (DPM) of the Faculty of Engineering, State University of Semarang (Unnes) visited the Berlian Building of the Central Java DPRD, Wednesday (9/11/2022). Their arrival was none other than to learn how the political system in government works.

Met by the Deputy Chairperson of the Central Java DPRD, Sukirman, the legislator from PKB said that the legislative function plays a very important role in running the wheels of government at the central to district/city levels. In addition, the legislature also has a role to represent all the aspirations of the people so that they can be conveyed and implemented.

“The legislature is part of the trias politica system. The power-sharing system is divided into three, namely the executive, legislative or the House of Representatives and the judiciary. The legislature has three functions including supervision, budgeting, and legislation or legislation, of course, in collaboration with the executive and judiciary so that later the government process runs well. The role of the legislature is very crucial, because all aspirations are represented by the people's representatives and are carried out fully so that they are implemented, such as infrastructure development in certain areas," he said.

Adding the Vice Dean for Student Affairs, Faculty of Engineering, Unnes, Wirawan Sumbodo, strongly supports all student activity programs, especially DPM FT Unnes is an educational forum for how the political system in the smallest scope works.

"It is hoped that it can cultivate soft skills which can later be very applicable in the world of work and can get a special place or position when working with organizational expertise," he explained.

Chairman of the DPM FT Unnes, Mahfud Muzadi said the DPM FT Unnes is still very young and unfamiliar with the world of politics in the academic sphere. Moreover, the system for compiling campus regulations also requires a lot of input from students.

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