Pengguna Jalan Selamatkan Pemuda yang Hampir Bunuh Diri di Flyover Jenggolo Sidoarjo

Road users rescued a young man who tried to commit suicide at the Jenggolo Flyover (Flyover/FO), Sidoarjo earlier (24/7/2022) at around 15.45 WIB. Here's the full story. Road users rescued a young man who tried to commit suicide at the Flyover (Flyover/FO) Jenggolo Bridge, Sidoarjo on Sunday (24/7/2022) at around 15.45 WIB.

Tio, a listener of Suara Surabaya Radio, reported that three motorbikes stopped to help the young man who was about to jump under the flyover. “The person is crying,” Tio said.

Gatekeeper Suara Surabaya immediately submitted Tio's report to the local police. Iptu Abdul Kholil Head of Sub-Directorate 1 Turjawali Polresta Sidoarjo said that when the police arrived at the location, the young man's position was already on the edge of the flyover.

"We took it to the post for us to ask. Initial information, concerned confused. Romance," he said. From the identification card (KTP) of the young man, it was known that he had the initials AFZ, 22 years old, a resident of Kebraon, Surabaya. Status is married.
Subsequently, the police handed the young man over to his family and gave instructions not to repeat his actions.

Info Via: https://www. Selamatkan-pemuda-yang-almost-suicide-di-flyover-jenggolo-sidoarjo

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